Thursday, February 13, 2025
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    Japan agrees to finance Chitral’s two Electrification PSDP Projects worth Rs 7 billion

    CHITRAL: MNA Shahzada Iftikharuddin has said that Japan Agrees to Finance Chitral’s Two Electrification PSDP Projects worth Rs 7 billion for Nine New Feeders and Four New Grid Stations. to electrify Entire Valleys & Villages of District Chitral. (It may be noted that after operations of Golen Gol only 60% population of District Chitral is electrified and the remaining 40% still needs to be connected to the National Grid.)

    He said Meeting is scheduled on 26th April 2018 at Islamabad between the Japanese, Pakistani’s Economic Affairs Division (EAD) ,Planning Commission and Ministries of Water & Power for funding arrangements. Additionally, it may be noted that France has already provided funding worth Rs 2.19 for Up-gradation of Chitral’s WAPDA Power House from 1MW to 5MW..

    Separately on on 16th April 2018 the Sub Committee of the NA Standing Committee on Planning Development & Reforms was held at PESCO Office with agenda of Electrification.

    MNA said this was the fourth meeting of the same Sub Committee that met at Koghuzi (Chitral) on 28th Dec 2017 and tehn wtice at Islamabad on 24th February 2018 as well as 3rd March 2018 under the Convenorship of Shahzada Iftikhar Uddin. Since Chitral and Drosh have already been electrified besides Upper Chitral, the remaining aim of the Sub Committee is to get the PC-1s Approved for two PSDP Projects GSI # 1048 titled

    132 KV T/L from Golan Gol Project & Provision of Electricity to Areas of District Chitral (Electrification Works at Different Valleys of Chitral) and also

    GSI# 1054 titled Establishment of 132 KV Grid Station along with Up-gradation of Existing 33 KV to 132 KV in District Chitral

    He said The two projects have already been included in Budget 2016-17 as well as last years budget presented on 26th May 2017. According to the plan two four new grid stations are planned at Gang (Marble City), Kaqlasht, Mastuj and Garam Chashma while a new 132 KVA Transmission line is also planned to be laid between Golen Gol and Kaqlasht.

    MNA Shahzada Iftikhar also reminded PEDO (KPK) Government to reach a formal agreement with PESCO to ensure un- interrupted continuation of electricity provision to Upper Chitral. OR alternately PEDO was asked to reach a direct agreement with National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA). for tariff rates.

    He also said that in absence of non payment of Electricity bills PESCO has been warning for past several months it wont be able to continue provision of electricity to Upper Chitral.


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