Unsinkable that sank – By: Aqib Ullah
History is replete with interesting, intriguing, and cryptic events that hunt us till now. Whether we talk about WW1 or WW2, the Spanish flu, the Rise and fall of ancient roman civilization, and The Slave Trade, every event has left something to learn.
There would be hardly anyone who hasn’t read the story of Titanic, a giant ship said to be unsinkable but sank on her first voyage. The sinking of Titanic killed more than 1500 passengers and crew members who were over the moon during their first and last journey. Titanic was launched on May 13, 1911, hit the sea on April 10, 1912, and on April 15, 1912, hit an ice burg to remain at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for good.
There are a few lessons that can be learned from the story of the sinking of the Titanic. The very first one is “Overconfidence can be disastrous”. When the ship was made, the designer, Thomas Andrew, had claimed that this ship was unsinkable. There is a thin line between Confidence and Overconfidence. Confidence is considered a positive trait while Overconfidence is negative. Whether you do something extraordinary or make something that is beyond compare, still there would be chances of glitches that’s why instead of bragging and boasting about our achievements, We should remain humble and accept that we can be good but not very good.
Fears can be helpful sometimes to save us from the dangers brought by our bravery. The captain of Titanic on that day was engrossed in proving himself brave by not slowing his speed even after getting informed about the bad weather and horrendous condition of the sea due to low temperature. Therefore, he didn’t turn off the engines despite knowing that a nearby ship had done this after noticing bad water condition. Our bravery, sometimes, can be inimical not only to us but also to the people living around us that’s why prudent decisions should be taken in every situation.
Never leave your position and do your duty honestly even if you are facing difficulties in life. It’s written in different books about Titanic that the musical band on the ship kept on singing and emboldening people at the time of disaster. They never did any excuse and left what was their duty. They stood there without any fear or sadness.We must do our duties with full gusto and honesty before a real change can be brought in this society. Our little act of behaving responsibly while doing anything can pave the path for people to be good and follow us.
The Titanic didn’t have ample Lifeboats to save the people. There were only 20 lifeboats. We can say the crew was not prepared to face such difficult situation that’s why a hair‑raising accident happened that has been part of many books and movies. We should prepare ourselves because we don’t know what is going to happen in the next moment as it’s said “Life is like a rollercoaster”.
Last but not the least ” Die like a gentleman”, .Titanic survivor had said, ” We were ready to die and got dressed to go down like a gentleman “. Death is real and realities should be accepted because running from realities can’t make us gentlemen.