Allahumma Salli alaa Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad
O prophet, the Mercy for all Realms thou art
With spiritual bliss and joy, fill our heart
Thou art Allah’s beloved and we are thy slave
To see thy luminous face we always crave
Allah granted thee the most sublime position
Thy sublime deeds brought men to submission
Thy Progeny succeeded thee in Leadership
For the believers thy family’s a salvation-ship
Our Prophet is the Locus of the Divine Light
He leads the folk of all ages on the Path Right
Nightingales and starlings always chant thy praise
Filled with thy Light are the spiritual Highways
Thy hand is the hand of Allah; thy face is His face
Thou hast made ready spiritual food with grace
Nizari’s to Allah grateful for this blissful chance
The Benevolent showed us His Beloved ’s sweet glance
Zahid Ali Nizari
Shotkhar Torkhow