“Lack of network in Begusht valley of Garamchashma”
I am a student hailing from Begusht of Garam Chashama and want to highlight the severe problem of defective mobile telephone network for the last two years. Half of the area of Begusht is totally deprived network of any mobile phone company which has poses communication problem but it has also adversely affected all walks of life including health, education and others.
Now-a-days, without internet, education is incomplete which is a prime source of information an data. So, being a student it is my right to raise my voice against the injustice meted out to the residents of this village in the field of telecommunication. This is really a serious issue for the area which we should take up with out political leaders whether they are in power or not.
Sharif Ullah , Begusht ,
Garam Chashma, Chitral.