Chitral Times Report
ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Narcotics Control, Brig (R) Ijaz Ahmad Shah emphasized on the need to targeting the drug dealers and providers. “Zero tolerance policy to be adopted against these culprits” the Minister said. Federal Minister for Narcotics Control Brig (Retd) ijaz Ahmed Shah visited headquarters Anti Narcotics Force Rawalpindi after assuming the portfolio of Federal Minister for Narcotics Control . He was welcomed by Director General ANF, Major General Muhammad Arif Malik Hi (M) and Senior Staff Officers of ANF. It is pertinent to mention that Federal Minister for Narcotics Control Brig(Retd) ijaz Ahmed Shah has already served in ANF as Force Commander ANF Punjab from Nov 1996 to Dec 1998 and due to his mentorious Services for ANF he was awarded Sitara-i-Basalat. Director General ANF Major General Muhammad Arif Malik,HI (M) briefed the federal Minister on counter narcotics achievements of ANF,current drug situation and major challenges being faced. During the briefing, DG ANF highlighted that ANF is also undertaking drug demand reduction campaign through public awareness drives and community participation activities throughout Pakistan, apart from running rehabilitation centers providing free of cost treatment to drug addicts Minister was also informed about the organizational requirements of ANF with respect to enhancement of manpower, development of infrastructure, overcoming legal issues and establishment of new drug treatment centers in the country. Federal Minister was of the view that the youth is the primary victim of this menace and immediate steps need to be taken in order to protect their future. He instructed ANF officers to come up with a comprehensive plan for awareness program to be conducted in educational institutes. He emphasized on the fact that case studies and drug abuse effects should be discussed in detail to sensitize them about the aftermath of indulging in drug addiction. The minister appreciated ANF’s achievements its role in combating trafficking of illicit drugs at National, regional and global level. Minister assured his complete support to ANF for addressing the inadequacies of the force to tackle the menace more vigorously. The Minister concluded the meeting with a hope that the given instructions will be executed on immediate basis across the country.