Chitral Times Report
Islamabad: The fourth and last round of capacity building workshop on the nomination of intangible cultural heritage was inaugurated on 5th December, 2018 in Ramada Hotel, Islamabad. Engr. Aamir Hasan, Federal Secretary for National History & Literary Heritage Division graced the event as chief guest. Guests from Chinese Embassy in Islamabad, CRIHAP China and UNESCO Pakistan office were also available during the inauguration. The event is being organized by National History & Literary Heritage Division in collaboration with CRIHAP China – a Category II office of the UNESCO. The workshop is the last in the series of preparing nomination files of the intangible cultural heritage elements for inscription on UNESCO’s relevant ICH safeguarding lists under UNESCO Convention 2003. The workshop is being attended by the government officers representing all federating units and participants from CRIHAP China. The event translates Pakistan’s international commitment and is a step towards realizing the provisions of the Convention on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage, to which Pakistan is the State Party. The workshop is designed to engage the human resource of the relevant Federal/Provincial departments in building their capacities for preparing nomination files of the ICH. This workshop is also meant to engage community representatives who are carriers and custodians of indigenous skills and age old crafts It is worth reminding that UNESCO in its 13th Inter-Governmental Committee for Convention 2003 meeting held in Port Louis, Mauritius has inscribed ‘Suri Jagek’ on the list of ICH elements in need of urgent safeguarding – a traditional practice of Kailash community in Pakistan.