Chitral Times Report
Islamabad: Sahil held its Child Friendly Newspaper, Best Volunteer Award and launch of Cruel Numbers 2017, here on Wednesday in National Press Club Islamabad. Sahil awarded Child Friendly Newspaper Award and Best Volunteer Award, 2017 to nominees from all over the country.
On the occasion Sahil launched “Cruel Numbers 2017”, a research on child sexual abuse cases reported in newspapers during 2017. The purpose of the research is to provide fact and figures about child sexual abuse and its dynamics and to contribute to existing information on CSA in Pakistan.
The findings of “Cruel Numbers 2017” shows that in the year 2017, a total 3445 child abuse cases were reported in newspapers from all four provinces including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), GilgitBaltistan (GB), and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
On the occasion Executive Director Sahil Manizeh Bano said that in previous years the cases of commercial sexual exploitation of children have been reported from Kasur, Sawat and Jaranwala. Hundreds of cases have been reported but only few victim families came forward for seeking justice. The abusers kidnap children, use drugs, made videos, sexually abuse and even murdered them. She expressed that commercial sexual exploitation of children and trafficking is now a million dollar business globally.
Highlighting the importance of media, she expressed that media can play a vital role in fostering coordination with civil society and the government to create widespread awareness. In this regard the electronic, print and social media can play a positive role regarding child protection and safety measures. She emphasized that now it is the time to come forward and break the silence and take practical steps to make Pakistan a safe secure and protected place for our children.
Sharing the findings of Cruel Numbers 2017report, Senior Program Officer Media SahilMamtazGohar said that the data reveals that now, in a day more than 9 children have been abused during the year 2017. The major crime categories of the reported cases are, abduction 1039, missing children 517, rape 467, sodomy 366, attempt of rape 206, gang sodomy 180, gang rape 158 and 109 cases of child marriages.
This year 109 cases were reported of murder after sexual abuse, it shows that 9% cases have increased as compared to 100 cases reported last year 2016. A gender analysis shows that 58% girls and 42% boys have been murdered after sexual abuse in 2017.
On the occasion the award for Child Friendly Newspaper was presented in two categories, i.e. National and Regional newspaper. The awards were presented to Daily Nawa-i-WaqtLahore, winner of the award in the national category, Daily Kawish Hyderabad winner of the award in regional category.
Ms. LubnaHayauddin received the Best Volunteer Award and two special mention awards for volunteers were also presented on the basis of the initiatives taken by them in their respective communities to raise awareness on child protection.