Chitral Times Report
ISLAMABAD:Federal public bodies are now legally bound to provide free of cost first ten pages of the information requested under the Right of Access to Information Act 2017 and only rupees two per page will be charged for every extra page by a public body. Federal public bodies will now only charge actual cost of cd, diskette, floppy, cassette, video or any other electronic device as determined on the basis of official procurement record. Pakistan Information Commission has notified Schedule of costs in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 27 (b) of the Right of Access to Information Act 2017 (XXXIV of 2017). This Schedule of costs will be applicable to all Federal Ministries, attached Departments, Divisions, Autonomous bodies, statutory bodies established under any Federal Law, Courts, Commissions, Tribunals, National Assembly, Senate of Pakistan, Prime Minister Office and any board, Commission, Council or other body substantially financed by the Government. This Schedule of costs will also be applicable to special institutions, companies of the Government and NGOs that are substantially financed by the Government. In a statement issued by Chief Information Commissioner, citizens will be no longer required to first deposit fee for filing Information under the Schedule of Cost notified by the Commission. Previously, citizens were required to deposit Rs.50 at the time of submitting an information request to a Federal Public body under Freedom of Information Rules 2004 which was great hinderance in the exercise of the right of access to information in matters of public importance as guaranteed by Article 19-A of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.