Thursday, February 13, 2025
-4 C

    Life during lockdown….Written by .. Mir Seema Aman


    Life is not a bed of roses.All of you must have heard this phrase in some stages of our lives,but life is not a bed of thorns too.If there are hurdles then there are solutions for them too.why can’t we just try to find solution instead of assuming who created this trouble?


    From previous months all almost the entire  world is suffering from a  virus pandemic called Corona virus which causes ” COVID_19 ” deadly and contagious disease. Due to this critical  situation Government has taken some steps in order to control spreading of this virus..Yes I’m talking about Lockdown.

    People are isolated in their homes unluckily majority of peoples are getting bored or wasting their time in useless activities and on negative thoughts.We know that “”Anger begins  with madness and ends with regret.”majority of men are suffering from anxiety  ,depression and anger just because of being locked at homes. Yesterday I was stucked when I saw a news that was about a husband who killed his wife just because he was unemployed these days. That’s why he took out his anger on his innocent wife.What the hell we are doing ?Why we are not taking this time  positively? Do you know if you start looking your life in a positive way by thinking positive and by acting positively then life absolutely gives you a positive response.You can use this time to improve your can also learn different languages , different recipes and alot more from YouTube. If you take this time positive then you certainly find your self really blessed as Allah give you a break from this busy world .He give you a chance to to spend your guilty time with your family . Moreover you have a chance to develop a healthy lifestyle. As a healthy life style leads to a healthy life a positive mindset and have to be healthy enough to perform daily task and work productively.this aspect is not deniable that a healthy body ,mind and soul give you good feeling.There are numerous ways to keep your body fit and fresh. Fitness is very important and it cannot be neglected by anyone in order to fight against diseases.spending time especially exercising in green areas can actually help to reduce depression , anxiety and other mental health illness while pushing you to become more physically active.


    If I talk about my city Chitral then we all know that Chitrali women are blessed with the skill of handicrafts.They should spend their time to improve their skills.Not only women we have a large number of youngsters who are really talented.They can use this time to develop their skills in different ways like painting ,sketching ,writing and making decorating by the  useless wood they avail already.


    In this Holy month of Ramadan parents should start praying and reciting the Holy Quraan with their children.They should Passover the Islamic information  to their children to connect them to Allah exalted.

    You can also try out different recipes this way you will have delicious food every other day and will have a pleasant Ramadan too.

    We all know that “”Sharing is Caring”” so please help the poor people around you .Share a part of your daily meal with them…  The only point I want to put forward is that in this world nothing and no brain  is useless .Being quarantined got us this opportunity to make use of useless things as well as our useless brains and initiate a new and positive journey….

    stay home stay safe!!


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