Friday, February 14, 2025
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    It is the responsibility of the provinces to identify carelisation… Syed Fakhr Imam

    Chitral Times Report


    ISLAMABAD: It is the responsibility of the provinces to identify cartelisation. This statement was made by the Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Syed Fakhr Imam while addressing a joint press conference with the Federal Minister for Information, Shibli Faraz on Monday.Syed Fakhr Imam said that wheat / flour is an important part of our diet.Pakistan is the eighth largest producer of wheat.Hoarding and smuggling are methods of creating scarcity.Fakhar Imam said that there is cartelization and hoarding in Pakistan.Fakhr Imam said he did not understand why Sindh government wanted to create a wheat crisis.The country produced more wheat than the target.The Federal Minister for Food Security said that ifSindh government releases wheat, the price will go down significantly.The federation and the provinces are working hard to ensure that there are no complaints about wheat and flour.Wheat will be provided to the common man at the right price.Sindh is requested to release wheat.Syed Fakhar Imam said that he wrote 2 letters to Sindh government in this regard.1.25 million tonnes of wheat is procured by Sindh Public Sector.Syed Fakhar Imam said that we are not in favor of cartels. Provinces should eliminate cartels.Syed Fakhar Imam added that the Ministry of National Food Security and Research is ensuring good quality wheat for the people at affordable prices.Wheat imports were allowed to close the gap between supply and demand.Wheat hoarding will not be tolerated.Punjab has started releasing wheat.Syed Fakhar Imam said that all the provinces should cooperate with each other and the federal ministry to ensure easy supply of wheat in the country.The Federal Ministry is providing facilities to private sector importers to ensure proper and timely import of wheat.On the occasion, Omar Hamid Khan, National Food Security and Research, said that the imported wheat ships would reach Pakistan by August 25.He said that 1 million tonnes of wheat was being imported under GTG.In addition, TCP can also import 1.5 to 2 million tonnes of wheat.Imported wheat will cost importers Rs. 1780/40 kg.


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