Chitral Times Report
PESHAWAR: The Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) held its meeting under the Chairmanship of Dr. Shahzad Khan Bangash, the Additional Chief Secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 17th September, 2019. The meeting was attended by Mr. Atif Rehman, Secretary P&D Department, members of PDWP, Special Secretary P&D Merged Areas, concerned departments and Districts level officers of Merged Areas. The forum considered 45 projects pertaining to different sectors including Relief & Rehabilitation, Local Government, Multi-sectoral Development, Finance, Roads & Bridges, Building, DWSS, Agriculture, Health, Sports & Tourism, Higher Education, Elementary & Secondary Education, Water and AIP sectors for the uplift of the province and Merged Areas. The forum approved 39 Projects with an estimated cost of Rs. 21356.738 million. 2 projects were cleared by PDWP and recommended to for approval of CDWP/ECNEC. 4 projects were deferred due to inadequate designs and were returned to their respective departments for rectification.
The PDWP has approved 3 projects of Relief & Rehabilitation and Sports Sectors worth Rs. 4428.450 million under the Tribal Decade Strategy have granted approval. This will usher in a new era of development in the merged areas which will help bringing it at par with the rest of the province. The Chair directed that as committed, the processing and approval of projects of Accelerated Implementation Programme (AIP) has been given top priority.
Approved projects of Relief & Rehabilitation sector were:
Establishment of Emergency Rescue Service (Rescue-1122) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in District Malakand, District Shangla, District Lower Kohistan, and District Lakki Marwat and Compensation for Land Utilization in North Waziristan Districts (TDS/AIP).
Approved projects of Local Government sector were:
Special Initiative Programme for PK-30 District Mardan and Communication / Mass Awareness /Publicity of Schemes.
Approved project of MSD sector was:
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in all Tribal Districts/Sub-Divisions.
Approved project of Finance sector was:
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Resource Management Programme (TA/SSU).
Approved projects of Roads & Bridges sector were:
PC-II for F/S Design & Construction of i) Bypass road Swari to Dagar and ii) UC Rega, Krapa, Dewana Baba, Shalbandai, Noorizi, Batara, Pandair, Sooray, Gul Bandal, Gagra, PK-21, District Buner, Construction and BT of road from Mardan road to Gujarano kalay via road to Mir Ahmad Kallay, sheikh Abad to Sher Khan kallay, karwan road, soor mill Raheema road to Landay Shah, Dosehra road to Nazoo kallay Pakistan kallay Dehri zardad District Charsadda, Const: & BT of road from Koladher Ghani Khan
rd-Sarfaraz klay, Palosa chk-via malang abad-dosera chk, Dosera Chk-Spin Kane via Sheikhano Klay, Sardheri station-palosa chk via abas klay Shekho, Shah pasand kalay-Londa kalay Nisata, Charsadda, Const: of Qadra Bypass road UC Pabani , Totalai-Galu Dheri Bypass Rd, GHS-F.Elahi DHQ Hospital Swabi, Thand Kol-Marghuz Bypass rd, Thand Kol-Bam Khel Bypass rd, Kaddi-Thand Kol bypass road, Main Swabi-Mardan – Aurang abad, GHS Salim Khan Rd, Swabi, Const of Janazgah-Brdg Salim Khan,Qaziabad,Panjpir Main rd,Shaga Lar,Panjpir Mera rd,Kharo-Gela, Gulshnabad & Kula Dhand rd, Mulyano Banda Tariqabad,Salim Khan rd-Sharifabad Chk,S.K.Nehr-S.K Chk,-S.Shagi Chk-GDC,BamKhel rd-Kalabad Khan via Shandor,Swabi,
Construction/ Improvement / Rehabilitation/ Widening of 16 different roads (20 Km) in PK-44, Abbottabad, Construction of a) Internal road (Jhagra) 7-Km, b) GM Bridge-512 (60 m span), District Peshawar, Construction of Road Connecting from Bagh Adam Khel Tribe (Tirah Maindan, Khyber Agency, Construction & black topping of roads in District Orakzai, Construction & blacktopping of road in Tehsil Jamrud and landikotal District Khyber, Construction of 3.5 km road from By Pass road to Sabzi Mewa Mandi via Darpa Khel Qasim Meeran Shah North Waziristan(CMD), Construction of Black Topped Roads in Tribal District
Khyber and Construction of Blacktop Road in Wana, District South Waziristan.
Approved Project of Building sector was:
Establishment of Project Unit for PaRRSA /PDMA for USAID Projects in C&W Department.
Approved projects of DWSS sector were:
Construction of Solar Based / Gravity Based DWSS in District South Waziristan and PC-II for Feasibility Study & Detailed Design for “Construction of Greater Water Supply Scheme Shalman to Landikotal Based on River Kabul and other Water Sources in the Vicinity (Pumping/Gravity Based).
Approved project of Agriculture sector was:
Virus free seed potato production using tissue culture technology at high altitudes of kurram and orakzai.
Approved projects of Health sector were:
Upgradation of BHU Barshawar to RHC, District Swat, Establishment of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Children Hospital in Mardan and Solarization of existing AHQ/THQ Hospitals FATA.
Approved projects of Sports & Tourism sector were:
Revival of Squash in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Establishment and Rehabilitation/Upgradation of Sports Facilities in District Mardan,
Establishment, Up-gradation and Rehabilitation of Sports Facilities in Merged Areas, Establishment of Multipurpose International Standards Indoor Gymnasium in PK-21, District Buner, Standardization and Up-gradation of Sports Complexes at DI Khan, Bannu,Haripur and Mardan, Development of roads to Tourist areas in Malakand Division, Construction of Access roads to Tourist areas destination in Hazara Division and Holding of sports activities in Tribal Districts/Sub-Divisions.
Approved project of Higher Education sector was:
F/S for Establishment of UET at Swat.
Approved Project of Irrigation sector was:
Construction of flood protection work on both sides of Chora Khwar near Chitral Colony & Construction of FPW at Regi Lalma and construction of water channel in Lakaray Kaniza UC-42 Malakandar Chora Khwar District Peshawar.