As the nation state nature is fickle, brutish and always liable to fledgling political affairs, which has ascertained the recurring menace of hegemonic confrontations between the great powers. Indeed, the formation of two antagonistic camps during the cold world era, for instance USSR and US have exacerbated the exclusionary ambience in the dispensations of world politics, fuelling proxies and non-state actors. Although, this era has detracted the system of multipolarity, leading to another variant of thinking like cold world era. Yet, again the dark shadow hovers the prospect of the nation state, and this variant envelopes Asia, as China is a new emerging global power.
Even so the Centre of gravity of the world politic has shifted to the Asia Pacific, then US would use the cold war era toolbox against China. Therefore, the pivot to Asia as well as the Indo-Pacific command formed to deter this forecast in the Pacific region. However, according to a Think Tank, namely the Centre for Economic of US and Business Research, that China would overtake the Unites Sate to become the world largest economy by 2028.Apparently, the String of Peal diplomacy along with the Belt Road initiative (BRI) are the ambitious agenda of China multiculturalism and socio-economic development across the region; anthitical to belligerent nature of America.
Nevertheless, if the new Administration of America hinge on the concept of realpolitik and considers China as the adversary, then the prospect of confrontations will heighten. Similarly, as Biden government is driven by human right issue in the international politics, it will simultaneously assault on China soft corners like his aggressive staunch on Taiwan, Hong Kong, South China Sea and China- India Standoff. Last but not the least, the review of Afghan conundrum under New Admin in US is also direct threat to China optimistic tendency of regional connectivity.
Moreover, if Biden team is optimistic and vigilant enough learnt from history, he will restraint from rivalries approach. Indeed, the past legacy of US has faced unanticipated humiliations. This almost has lost its democratic pluralism and cosmopolitan ethics, as a hegemon of the nation state. Likewise, the new book, wrote by Philip H. Gordes, namely, losing the Long Game, has unleashed recurring problems and failure to this foreign policy intervention in the neocolonial system; in Libya,Iran,Iraq.Syria and the long as well as the unsuccessful war in Afghanistan have become hardly result oriented. So now it needs to craft policy, especially the foreign policy alien to past blunders.
Ostensibly, the cold world era resulted the disintegration of USSR, and, indeed it’s a lifelong lesson for those who indulges to perturb the ethos of peace and tranquility of other nations. Despite of the fact, the new office in America has pledged to end the Yemen war’s and no more support to Riyadh against proxies of the US interest in the Middle East. Indeed, it will be a milestone journey of US foreign adventure if it crafts its policy count on the mirroring of democratic and cosmopolitan ethics.
Conversely, as a global emerging power approaches of China are concerned, it hardly doubts that China is emulating US mindset during cold world era strategies, unlike, its projecting connectivity and shared prosperity in the world affairs. It is a BRI, has a pivotal position and in which China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is state of the art agenda to revamp the system of Pakistan.
So in general, to effect coherency and pluralism, it is the great lesson of history that the states should learn from the mistakes of one another and to embellish new horizon among the comity of nations. Now it is time to reframe the state of nation sate nature unlike that of the anarchic one. As this is the raison de’tra for the synthesis of sympathetic and human centric nations sate system, unlike greedy and brutish one.
Shafiq Ahmad
Writer is a member of student GCU, Lahore