The Islam has endorsed the importance of consultations as the reflection of the meritocratic society. Later on this notion embedded as the currency of modern polity. Apparently, democracy is the best form of government.
However, democracy is the real face of pluralism and inclusion within a society. It is the cornerstone of creating better relationship between the state and citizens. Democracy is crucial while conferring rights like freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of jobs, and most importantly the freedom of criticism of government policy and activities. Democracy as envisioned, by Abraham Lincoln is the government of the people by the people and for the people and undoubtedly, democracy always valued public opinion in decision making, and through this the masses feels sincere and loyal to the country.
Similarly. Democracy likes neutral citizenship irrespective of caste, color, faith and has driven by unified interest. Therefore, as Hasian Askari Rizvi propounded that, it’s a process which people initiate by conscious decision and sustain by subscribing to its principle by theory and practices.
It is the process to elect the common masses reprenstatives who aspired by meritocracy and accountable to their policies and their conduct in office.
In confluence with all, democracy has the power of mobilization the economic resources and human capital to triggers socio-economic prosperity and development in various ways .Democracy has inherited the social justice, equity, and hardly indifference to rule of law and order. This, luckily lead to peace and tranquility in the country. Likewise, this sort of ambience automatically install the prospect of socio-economic well-being of the masses—notably, the economic opportunities for all and help in the acquisition of welfare in the context of health, education and shelter.
Conversely, there are multifaceted stumbling blocks which has derailed the proper nourishment of democratic dispensation in the county. Ostensibly, the political culture and socio-economic dimension of the country has jeopardized this holistic development. However, it is iron-fist to accomplish high literacy. For instance, the menace of ingrained feudalistic composition of the society impeded the index of the literacy rate inside the country, especially in the census of 2015-16, the only increment was 17.5pc of sum up to 60pc in urban sector and 51pc in rural areas since the 1998. This dismal picture is indeed the embodiment of feudalist mindset. Likewise, the post-colonial society of Pakistan has already overdeveloped state structure where the non-democratic forces have already well entrenched and enough advance to exploit the fragile political government. Similarly, the privileged class dominancy in the political system besides the challenges of ethnic culture has directed against the military bureaucratic oligarchy. Unfortunately, this sabotaged the prospect of strong political system.
In addition to that, if the parliament is incompetent and lack consultations then as proposed by Dr Tahir Kamran the “legislature is functionless but without real power of autonomy and only validating the decision taken outside the assembly by reducing the real status of political parties on bickering fraction controlled by the executive.
Consequently, these doldrums have hardly positioned public opinion in policy making. It thoroughly negates the unity in diversities and exploit the breach within a society to acquire dominancy in alliance with collaborator and extra judicial means. The lack of socio-economic changes and prosperity is very negligible in such a situation.
However, Democracy visualized the empowerment of citizen in optimal level to resolve the challenges of modern time. The participation and coordination of subjects in catapulting the national agenda is sine qua non of the 21st century.
So in general, it is essential to provide space for the efficient growth of democracy and through this one could scarcely become apathy to diversities. Yet, the recurring elections and grooming of civil society in Pakistan are, good gesture in such phenomena.
The Writer is a member of student at GCU Lahore
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