Thursday, September 19, 2024
19 C

    Hazrat Khadija bint Khuwaylid۔۔۔۔۔۔۔Dr Sajid Khakwani(Islamabad, Pakistan)


    (c. 555 – 620 CE)

    (11, Ramzan: Death Anniversary)


    Khadīja bint Khuwaylid or Khadīja al-Kubra (Khadija the great) was the firstwife of the prophet Muhammad. She is commonly regarded by Muslims as the “motherof Islam”. She was the first person to convert to Islam. Khadija’s grandfather, Asad ibnAbd-al-Uzza, was the progenitor of the Asadclan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Her father, Khuwaylid ibn Asad, was a merchant he died c.585, His sister, Umm Habib bint Asad, was the matrilineal great-grandmother of Muhammad(PBUH). Khadija’s mother, Fatima bint Za’idah, who died around 575, was a member of the Amir ibn Luayy clan ofthe Quraysh and a third cousin of Muhammad’s mother. Khadija married three times and had children from all her marriages. She first married Abu Hala Malak at-Tamimi and second ‘Atiq l-Makhzumi. Abu Hala Malak died before his business became a success. To her husband Atiq Khadija bore a daughter named Hindah. This marriage also left Khadija as a widow. Khadija became a very successful merchant. She was known by the by-names Ameerat-Quraysh (“Princess of Quraysh”), al-Tahira (“The Pure One”) and Khadija Al-Kubra (Khadija “the Great”).


    Her mother and father both died within 10 years of eachother. Their wealth was divided amongst the children but it was Hazrat khadija(SA) who took over the family business and expanded it. With the profit she made she helped the poor, widows, orphans, sick and the disabled people of Makka. She had a cousin called Waraqa bin Naufal who was very learned man and who was not an idol worshipper. Both Waraqa and Hazrat Khadija were monotheists and believed in one Allah. Khadija did not travel with her trade caravans; she employed others to trade on her behalf for a commission. In 595 Khadija needed an agent for a transaction in Syria. Abu Talib ibn’ Abd al-Muttalib recommended her distant cousin Muhammad ibn Abdullah. The experience that Muhammad held working with caravans in his uncle Abu Talib’s family business had earned him the honorific titles Al-Sadiq (“the Truthful”) and Al-Amin (“the Trustworthy” or “Honest”).Khadija hired Muhammad, who was then 25 years old, sending word through her kinsman Khazimah ibn Hakim that she would pay double her usual commission. She sent one of her servants, Maysarah, to assist him. Upon returning, Maysara gave accounts of the honorable way that Muhammad had conducted his business, with the result that he brought back twice as much profit as Khadija had expected.


    • Khadija entrusted a friend named Nafisa to approach Muhammad and ask if he would consider marrying. At first Muhammad was hesitant because he had no money to support a wife. Nafisa then asked if he would consider marriage to a woman who had the means to provide for herself. Muhammad agreed to come meet with Khadija, and after this meeting they consulted their respective uncles. The uncles agreed to the marriage. The date of the marriage ceremony was determined by Hazrat Khadija and the ceremony was to take place in her home. Holy Prophet (PBUH), his uncles, his aunts, and some ofthe leading figures from the sons of Hashim came to Hazrat Khadija’s home on the setdate. Hazrat Khadija provided everything that would ensure a beautiful wedding ceremony. The sheep were slaughtered and the food was prepared. After the food was eaten, it was time for the oldest ones on both sides to speak, which was in accordance with their custom. Hazrat Khadija’s father had passed away in the Battle of Fijar. For this reason, her uncle, Amr bin Asad, was her representative for the ceremony.
    • According to the tradition, Abu Talib would be the first to speak. Therefore, he stood up and said: “Thanks be to Allah for he has created us from Ibrahim’s progeny, Ismail’s bloodline, Maad’s minerals, and Mudar’s descent. After this, I get straight to thepoint and say: “As you know, my brother’s son, Muhammad bin Abdullah, is your relative. No youth from the Quraysh can be compared to him. He is superior to them interms of repute, intelligence, honor, and virtue. “Yes, he has very little property, but what does that mean? It is a transient shadow and curtain, something temporary that is give nand then taken away. “I swear by Allah that his rank is going to increase and grow even more from now on. “He now asks for your daughter Khadija’s hand in marriage and pledges to give 20 male camels for her dowry.” When Abu Talib finished speaking, the son of Hazrat Khadija’s uncle, Waraqa bin Nawfal, rose to speak. He said: “Thanks be toAllah for He has created us like you have described. He has granted us a far greaterdegree of superiority than you have mentioned. We also want to be honored and establish kinship with you. “Oh, the community of Quraysh! Bear witness that I marry Khuwaylid’s daughter, Khadija, to Muhammad bin Abdullah, the son of Abdullah, for the price of this dowry”. When Waraqa bin Nawfal had finished speaking, Abu Talib wanted HazratKhadija’s paternal uncle, Amr bin Asad, to express his consent. Amr also rose to his feetand said, “Oh the community of Quraysh, bear witness that I have joined Muhammad binAbdullah and Khuwaylid’s daughter, Khadija in marriage.”Thus, Muhammad (PBUH) was married to Khuwaylid’s daughter, HazratKhadija aI-Kubra, who had the most reputable ancestry as well as the most honor and wealth among the Qurayshi women. In the meantime, Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 25years old whereas Hazrat Khadija was 40. Their marriage took place in 595 AD; 15 yearsbefore his Prophet hood. Then, Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought his esteemed wife withhim to Abu Talib’s home. Here they slaughtered two camels and threw a banquet for the community. Out of regard for this happy occasion, Abu Talib slaughtered his camels and fed the community and then afterwards, invited our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his family to his home. When he went out to greet them, he thanked Allah in the midst of his tears by saying, “Praise to be Allah for He has dispelled all of our sadness away from us.”Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija, who had attained the honor of being our HolyProphet’s (PBUH) first wife, only stayed a few days in Abu Talib’s home.

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