Petroleum prices changed
Chitral Times Report
ISLAMABAD: Due to ne increase in petroleum prices in the international market and exchange rate variations in the last fortnight, the OGRA has worked out the higher petroleum prices but Prime Minister has decided against the recommendation and passed on the minimum increase in prices to the consumers The Government has absorbed the higher international pressure of prices through reduction in Petroleum levy and the Sales tax. It is pertinent to mention that petroleum prices in Pakistan are the cheapest in the region. The prices of Petroleum products will be as follows wef 01 October, 2021:
Product Existing prices w.e.f 16-09-2021 New prices w.e.f 01-10-2021
Increase/ (-) Decrease
MS (Petrol) 123.30 127.30 + 4.00
High Speed Diesel (HSD) 120.04 122.04 +2.00
Kerosene (SKO) 92.26 99.31 +7.05
Light diesel Oil 90.69 99.51 +8.82